
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Episode 61: Demolition Man
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes are two guys from Los Angeles that get frozen in the past and then they get unfrozen in the future and then they eat Taco Bell that was probably also frozen and unfrozen and then they fight and then this is a run-on sentence. SEASHELLS.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, Rich, and Patrick as we talk Taco Bell vs Pizza Hut versions of the film, similarities to the Batman movies, and of course the three seashells. Seriously, if you know how to use them please let us know.
That’s it for this episode of 20 Dollar Ticket. Be sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @20DollarTicket for more content. Follow us on Spotify, subscribe on Apple Podcasts and if you’ve got the time, leave us a review. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Thank you for listening.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/20DollarTicket/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/20dollarticket

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Episode 60: Promising Young Woman
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
CONTENT WARNING: In this episode we’ll be having a discussion relating to the topics of discrimination and violence towards women, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. Listener discretion is advised. If you or someone you know is experiencing or has been a victim of sexual assault, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673) or visit rainn.org for more information.
Carey Mulligan plays Cassie Thomas, a woman haunted by the rape and death of her best friend, who lives a vigilante life confronting men for their transgressions. A series of events soon finds her seeking vengeance against all of those who participated and dismissed the event.
Join Erica, Holly, Elizabeth, Kyle and Kerwin as we talk micro-aggressions against women (both in and surrounding the film), purposefully casting male actors known for their “safe” or “trustworthy” roles as transgressors, and the musical talents of Paris Hilton.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Extra Credits #26: Nostalgia Trip
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
EXTRA CREDITS. The crew and guests take a break from movie reviews to discuss and debate pretty much whatever comes to mind. Might be movie related, might not be, but we've only got 20 minutes.
You can only keep THREE!! Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, and Jordan sit down to discuss which three 90s kids movies we’d keep forever out of the following: The Sandlot, Little Rascals, Blank Check, Holes, Air Bud, The Mighty Ducks, Space Jam, Little Giants, Richie Rich, My Girl, Home Alone, and Matilda.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, and Jordan as we make our picks, and discuss movies in this lineup that didn’t make it into the discussion.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Episode 59: Kindergarten Cop
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
In this episode, five adults in their 30s will learn that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, Elizabeth, and Holly as we talk ‘Fanny Tatum,' Elizabeth’s milk carton troubles, and the proper pronunciation of “OR-E-GON.”
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Episode 58: Whiplash
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
No, this movie is not about the Iron Man villain. It’s about music. It’s about dedication, passion, and pride. Miles Teller plays Andrew Nieman, and aspiring Jazz musician with big dreams, and to help him achieve those dreams he’ll have to team up with (or tackle) his perfectionist jazz music professor Terence Fletcher, played by J.K. Simmons.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, and Eric as we talk motivation versus abuse, J.K. Simmons’ amazing performance, and Jason’s own jazz band experience.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Extra Credits #25: Hold On, We're Going Home
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
EXTRA CREDITS. The crew and guests take a break from movie reviews to discuss and debate pretty much whatever comes to mind. Might be movie related, might not be, but we've only got 20 minutes.
This time, were talking about the stress-inducing opening sequence from the 1993 Sylvester Stallone film Cliffhanger. Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, and Jordan as we talk Ace Ventura, giant font sizes, and failing asleep with your eyes open.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Episode 57: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tom Cruise might as well be an Avenger at this point, right?
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, Bling, and Dominic as we talk going to the movies alone, holding your breath, and whether or not this is the best film in the Mission: Impossible franchise.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Episode 56: The Transporter
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Jason Statham is Frank Martin, aka the Transporter, a Postmates driver that breaks ALL the rules. But seriously, there’s like three rules and he breaks them in the first 20 minutes. Come on, man.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, Veronica, and Jordan, as we talk Madelines (aka French cookies), being covered in syrup, and ummmm “shut the f*ck up!”
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Extra Credits #24: Franchise Tag
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
EXTRA CREDITS. The crew and guests take a break from movie reviews to discuss and debate pretty much whatever comes to mind. Might be movie related, might not be, but we've only got 20 minutes.
You can only keep THREE!! Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, and Bling sit down to discuss which three franchises they'd keep forever versus the rest, which will have to disappear. We'll talk Jurassic Park, Star Wars, DCEU, MCU, John Wick, James Bond, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. Listen to see which franchises we'll toss off a cliff in order to obtain the Soul Stone.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 55: The Fast and the Furious
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Pump your point brakes, because we’re going street racing with Dom, Brian, Letty, Mia, and a bunch of other characters that aren’t really in the sequels that much.
Join Kerwin, Jason, Mugga, Dominic, and David as we talk Saved by the Bell, Bad Bitch Letty, and FAMILY. There’s nothing more important than FAMILY.
Thanks for listening to this episode of 20 Dollar ticket. Follow us on Instagram @20DollarTicket, and leave your ticket prices for the movies we’ve reviewed. If you have any comments or suggestions, send them to 20DollarTicket@gmail.com. Be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.